About Us

The role of translation in  the today’s globalized society is immense. It is translation that feeds our society with wealth of information produced at home and abroad; it is translation that can connect the local to the global. It is also through translation that we can enrich our national languages, cultures and literatures on the one hand and  transport/convey our literary and cultural product to international market. Keeping in view the importance of translation in our context, Society of Translators Nepal was established in 2009 (2066 BS) with the view to promoting knowledge exchange between the people from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds.  Its major aim is to bring together the translators working in different parts of the country to promote translation activities and translation quality.


First National Conference on Translation and Exhibition of Translated books

Society of Translators Nepal (STN) organized First National Conference on Translation and Exhibition of Translated books on September 29, 30 and October 1 in 2016 at Dilliraman-Kalyani Regmi Memorial Library, Lazimpat Kathmandu. The Inaugural Ceremony of the Conference was Chaired by Mr. Basanta Thapa, President, STN. Professor Tej Ratna Kansakar, Professor Govinda Raj Bhattarai, Academician Professor Usha Thakur and Mr. Mohan Mainali addressed the Ceremony as Guests.

There were 16 papers presented in the 8 sessions within the 2-day conference (September 29-30, 2016). The sessions were chaired by Professor Abhi Subedi, Professor Madhav Prasad Pokharel, Profesor Nirmal Man Tuladhar,  Mr. Victor Pradhan, Mr. Bhim Narayan Regmi, Mr. Uddhav Kumar Upadhyaya, Mr. Balram Adhikari and Mr. Shekhar Kharel. More than 100 people including presenters and guests participated at the conference where they were involved in the discussion on the issues raised by the presenters.

The Closing Ceremony was chaired by Mr. Balram Adhikari, Vice President, STN. Some of the active participants presented their reflections at the Ceremony.

The 3-day Exhibition of Translated Books (September 29, 30 and October 1) was a place to see or buy more than 500 book titles including translated books, bilingual or multilingual dictionaries, bilingual

Basanta Thapa

Vice President
Victor Pradhan

Generl Secretary
Bal Ram Adhikari

Sapana Sharma

Sangeeta Lama
Shekhar Kharel
Rishi Ram Adhikari

  1. Bhim Narayan Regmi 
  2. Bal Ram Adhikari
  3. Shekhar Kharel 
  4. Jeevan Karki 
  5. Tek Narayan Dhakal
  6. Prem Prasad Poudel 
  7. Kumar Narayan Shrestha 
  8. Rishi Ram Adhikari 
  9. Basanta Thapa 
  10. Sangita Lama 
  11. Victor Pradhan 
  12. Reecha Sharma 
  13. Uttam Prasad Bajgain 
  14. Sakun Joshi 
  15. Bharat Raj Gautam 
  16. Bimal Khanal 
  17. Karuna Nepal 
  18. Maniram Sharma
  19. Pratigya Regmi
  20. Sapana Sharma
  21. Jagadish Paudel
  22. Bharat Bhattarai
  23. Dharma Raj Khadka
  24. Fatik Bahadur Thapa
  25. Viplob Pratik
  26. Mukesh Lama
  27. Pashupati Poudel
  28. Ganesh Bastola
  29. Megh Bahadur Shrestha
  30. Jayaram Chapagain
  31. Gopal Khadka
  32. Rakesh Maharjan
  33. Nani Babu Ghimire
  34. Prakash Poudel
  35. Harihar Khanal
  36. Megharaj Adhikari
  37. Kamal Raj Devkota

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